Yesterday a couple of friends and I did the awesome SPARTAN RACE, now if you haven’t heard of this event you should check it out. In a sentence, its like a thrill of obstacles that challenge your body strength, mostly upper, and of course covering about 8k of grounds. Now I think I would’ve been able to manage 8k on flat ground, but it was up and down hill and not just any type of hills, ski hills! Which are HUGE! and doing that not just once, but about 5times is a killer! – I would probably say that was the hardest part for me, that and some obstacles… Aka monkey bars- Ugh. I suck at those! Needless to say this had been on my bucket list for a very long time, and I’m so glad I finally got the chance to take part in it, it was honestly very tough but worth it! Definitely doing it again.
You see that smile on my face in the picture above, don’t let that fool you people! I was DYING OF NERVES ! haha
Unfortunately we couldn’t take pictures throughout the race, so this was the only picture we captures before we started.
And after all the climbing, all the jumping, all the crawling, all the mud… WE FINISHED IT! woo!
Couldn’t have done it without my love!
HERE are some pictures the photographer captured during the race!
Again another awesome race, till next time Spartan Race!
Thanks for reading,
Maritza, xo.