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OH MY! Where has the time gone? As we speak I am currently already half way through my pregnancy which is crazy because a lot has happened. So here are a few facts about how my first trimester went! Also, most people already know but we found out the gender and we’re super excited- next post coming soon!
When did I find out: I was about 4 weeks pregnant.
Morning Sickness: I did experience nausea -I would say from about 8 weeks to 12 weeks. Nothing extremely bad but still made it difficult to eat certain foods.
Bloating: A million times, yes. I had it bad.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Aversions, yes. Certain foods that I use to love I couldn’t really eat during this time which was hard because I never knew what to make. I could NOT see or eat meat or chicken- ugh. BUT all I wanted to eat were carbs- all day everyday!
Weight Gain: Up until 12 weeks I have gained 4 pounds from my starting weight.
Workouts: Honestly, I went to the gym once and have not had the energy to do anything. Sometimes I will do a yoga video but nothing intense.
Sleep: My sleep has not been too bad- although I am a stomach sleeper, I definitely had to get use to sleeping on my side which wasn’t the greatest. Also, peeing 1000x throughout the night.
Baby Movements: No, still too early.
Fatigue: YES! YES! This was probably my most obvious indicator for me that I was pregnant, I slept SO much throughout the first month. I just couldn’t keep my eyes open, pretty sure I napped everyday for the first month.
Gender Prediction: Both Brandon and I have said boy from the very beginning.
Baby Size: (4 weeks- 12 weeks) Grew from the size of a poppy seed to the size of a lime.
I cannot wait to continue to share this journey with everyone, it’s seriously crazy what your body is capable of. Stay tuned for another update soon and our gender reveal!
Maritza, xo.